A whole ten years ago, Giles Abbott was engaged by the Tourism Department in the Ministry of Information, Republic of Saint Almost, to write the first ever travel guide to this beautiful archipelago. Alas, in true Saint Almost fashion, the provision of appropriate remuneration went awry and Giles was forced, reluctantly, to abandon the task. However, he is still keen to find any means by which to complete the work, “as much as anything, as a sign of my gratitude for the warmth and hospitality of the ordinary islanders who helped and supported me so much during my research visits. And it’s tragic! Worldwide, many people still don’t even know that these islands exist!”
There is more to read than is published here, and if you wish to read more, please contact Giles directly with the words “MORE ALMOST” in your subject box. And if you think you can help make the work worth Giles’s time, please contact directly with the subject line “ALMOST WORTH IT”.