
I love storytelling. I seldom feel more alive, more present than when a story is flying, the words are flowing and I can feel the audience’s attention lifting me up.

Restless Beings/FolkLaw 2014 (c) Rukon Images
Restless Beings/FolkLaw 2014 (c) Rukon Images

The stories used in traditional storytelling have been passed from teller to teller for thousands of years. They have been refined and distilled making them fantastic places to build from. But this longevity doesn’t prevent them from being fresh, relevant and contemporary as they deal with universal themes that touch the heart of humanity. Whatever I’m telling, I like to mix the traditional with the modern, responding to the audience and the surroundings.

Stories can be told anywhere. I have performed in schools, pubs, clubs, theatres, festivals, museums, galleries, marquees, fields, moving trains, rooftops, State Assemblies, recording studios, hospital wards, Intensive Care Units and even in a hot tub under the stars in the grounds of a stately home.

Do you have a venue or event that could use a storyteller? Let me know.

Do you have a classroom that could use a storyteller? Let me know.

Do you have a hot tub that could use a storyteller? Definitely let me know!

To listen to some of my repertoire click here or for more information continue to Storytelling For Adults and Storytelling for Schools or return to the top menu… And to find out where the storytelling clubs are in your area check out the Society for Storytelling.